Created for Professionals
Samuel Hansen LUTS has completely rebranded and taken on a new name! We are proud to present ETHEREAL LUTs! Ethereal has been a long time in the making and we are very proud to have finally expanded in order to meet the needs of our customers!
Please visit our new website where you can purchase all our new presets via the link above!
5 fundamental LUTS
SHP Natural 01
SHP Natural 02
SHP Natural 03
SHP Natural 04
Natural 01 is designed as an "use anywhere, anytime" LUT. Its simple, keeps your footage natural, maintains perfect whites, light & Airy, with all the elegance you could ask for. I use this one for literally almost everything! The LUT will assist in pure skin tones and gorgeous airy moods.
Natural 02 is also designed as an "use anywhere, anytime" LUT. It's just as simple, keeps your footage natural, maintains perfect whites, light & Airy, with all the elegance BUT increases the mintyness of the greens. This is specific for elegant weddings with lots of greenery. The Mint greens will increase the dynamic of your film and make it feel more luxurious.
Natural 03 is the perfect companion to my Natural 01. Its simple, keeps your footage natural, maintains perfect whites, light & Airy, BUT adds a unique elegant twist in the greens. Natural 03 combines my natural 01 with the mintyness of 02 to create A PERFECT BLEND OF BEAUTY. The LUT will assist in pure skin tones and gorgeous airy moods.
Natural 04 is designed to be the only B&W LUT you will ever use again. I wanted to create something unique, moody, with an elegant twist. It's the perfect combination hand crafted to show off the subject in the best possible light.
SHP Natural 05
Natural 05 is my NEWEST LUT that has been added to my pack. It was inspired by a vintage, light contrast B&W amazing for any lighting situation. I wanted to create something to compliment my other color presets. Just like my SH-04 its unique, vintage, with an elegant twist. It is in my opinion the best B&W on the market.
SHP Natural 01
Natural, Clean, & Elegant. Perfect Skin Tones with pink airy tones, Perfect Whites, with a touch of Contrast.
You will notice all your colors will keep to their true state, only enhanced and enriched with contrast and the elements of a light and airy image.
SHP Natural 02
Natural, Clean, & Elegant. Perfect Skin Tones with magenta pushed to make sure skin looks healthy, Perfect Whites, with a touch of Contrast. WITH minty beautiful greens
Again with this LUT all of your colors will keep to their true state, only enhanced and enriched with contrast and the elements of a light and airy image. The minty greens will give an elegant look and feel.
SHP Natural 03
Natural, Clean, & Elegant. Perfect Skin Tones with magenta pushed to make sure skin looks healthy, Perfect Whites, with a touch of Contrast, WITH a perfect combination of minty desaturated greens to help make your subject pop.
Again with this LUT all of your colors will keep to their true state, only enhanced and enriched with contrast and the elements of a light and airy image. The desaturated minty greens will give an elegant look and feel.
SHP Natural 04
My Natural 04 is designed to be the only B&W LUT you will ever use again. I wanted to create something unique, vintage, with an elegant twist. It's the perfect combination hand crafted to show off the subject in the best possible light.
SHP Natural 05
Natural 05 is my NEWEST LUT that has been added to my pack. It was inspired by a vintage, light contrast B&W amazing for any lighting situation. I wanted to create something to compliment my other color presets. Just like my SH-04 its unique, vintage, with an elegant twist. It is in my opinion the best B&W on the market.
Created for Professionals

I'm so excited for you to try my LUTS! I've literally pored my heart and soul into this pack. They have done wonders for me and I'm SO HAPPY to offer them to you! Automatically receive a download link to your e-mail inbox, ready to access when you are.